Instantly reflect Google Naver Search Exposure (SEO)

In the case of commercial web services, as interest and demand for SEO increases, many articles can be found on blogs.
In this posting, let’s see how to complete the basic SEO setting and quickly reflect it through Naver / Google.


  • (Required) Modified web service based on knowledge of meta tags and SEO
  • (required) robots.txt existing in the ROOT of the distributed web service
  • [] _ ​​(Recommended) _ The path of sitemap.xml is indicated in robots.txt, and sitemap.xml exists in the location.

Quick Guide (Naver-> Google)

Rather, Naver’s collection limits are more broad, and the guides and guides are well translated into Korean. (~~ Of course, but .. ~~)
It is highly recommended to conduct Naver SEO first.

  1. Connect to [Naver Webmaster Tools] (
  2. After logging in, add a site and confirm ownership. (HTML file upload recommended)
  3. Go to [Verify] > [robots.txt] and request collection.
  4. If there is a sitemap.xml file, go to [Request] > [Submit Sitemap] .
  5. Click OK in [Verify] > [Web page optimization] to check the current SEO status.
  6. In the page optimization verification, the search robot collection item content items are all modified to be green OK.
  7. Check (Do not set collection limit) in [Settings] and click the OK button.
  8. Select (quick collection cycle) from [Settings] and press the OK button. [^ 1] [^ 2]
  9. When the setting is complete, request collection from the [Request] > [Webpage Collection] menu.
    1. After refreshing, confirm that Request Complete has been changed to Collection Success .
    2. [Status] > [Collection status] and [Index status] are reflected.
    3. In the Naver search window, [site: domain name] ( % EB% AA% 85) to see whether it is reflected [^ 3].
    4. http https www. All the domains accessible to the site are registered individually and the above process is repeated.


  1. Go to Google [Search Console] (
  2. After logging in, click [Add Property] to add the site and confirm ownership. (google analytics recommended [^ 4])
  3. [Crawling] > [robots.txt tester] Submit robots.txt.
  4. If sitemap.xml is present, go to [Crawling] > [Sitemaps] and register.
  5. With (Desktop) selected in the [Crawling] > [Fetch As Google] menu, click Import and Render [^ 5].
  6. Select (Mobile: Smartphone) from the [Crawling] > [Fetch As Google] menu and click Import and Render.
  7. If the import status is (Done / Partially completed) during acceptance, press the [>>] button to check the preview status. [^ 6]
  8. Click the [Request Index Creation] button to complete reCAPCHA, and click [Crawl URLs and Direct Links] [^ 7] to request indexing.
  9. Check the URL and linked page indexing requested phrases.
    1. You can check whether the index is generated through [Crawling] > [Crawling Statistics] and [Google Index] > [Index Status] .
    2. In the Google search box, [site: domain name] ( 392180.394349.0.394698. …. 0 … 1.1j4.64.psy-ab..3.8.737.6..0i131k1.91.df4mePBWwyI) Can be confirmed. [^ 8]
      12.http https www. All the domains accessible to the site are registered individually and the above process is repeated.
    3. In addition, if multiple URLs are set, Google should set the representative domain in the wheel-shaped [Settings] > [Site Setting] in the upper right corner.

[^ 1]: In most cases there is no problem, but it can be a bit of a problem if you have a large volume, a traffic-intensive service, or you are billing per traffic in some places like AWS. It is recommended to change the collection cycle to general as soon as the SEO reflection is confirmed.
[^ 2]: The result of using the actual collection cycle is just that it is fast and reasonable. In the general case, it is possible to set the cycle by referring to the frequency of the sitemap or automatically set the collection cycle through the previous page update frequency by looking at the phrase _ <general, the search robot will visit the site optimized cycle.> This is high, but in this case, it is very likely that Yeti will not visit your site at the moment you want.
[^ 3]: The actual reflection is empirical (about 0 to 60 minutes). However, it is not the first time to request a collection, and the reflection may be a little late for pages that have been indexed before.
[^ 4]: Like Naver, google officially recommends uploading html files. However, if you continue to work on SEO, performance analysis through Google GA can also help, so we recommend authenticating through Google Analytics.
[^ 5]: You don’t need to render if you don’t want to preview it in the form collected by GoogleBot.
[^ 6]: If it is marked as partially completed, check the bottom of the preview to see the script or file that cannot be loaded. In addition, since the bot crawls in a synchronous manner, it is necessary to check the information displayed on the initial screen because it may be different from what you thought.
[^ 7]: [Crawl URLs and direct links] (10 days on 30 days): Regenerate the entire index (navigate through the entire page while following the allowed links of a tag)
[Crawl only this URL] (500 crawls per 30 days): Crawl to the corresponding address
[^ 8]: Actual reflection is empirical (about 3-4 hours). In particular, it seems to be processed around 8 to 9 in Korean time.
